Overthrow of the Adbusters HQ
From the inept comparisons of President elects W. Bush and Al Gore prior to the 2000 U.S. election, to the now constant negative incitement of property destruction.
Adbusters Magazine has gone from a positive discussion of progressive ideals and practices over the 90s and 00s, to a sloppy unreadable series of guides to the average grade school suburban anarchist. During the 2012 Election cycle Adbusters Magazine featured a cover which made baseless comparisons between Bain Capital Romney, owner of the Clear Channel network of billboards and right wing radio shows, and Community Activist and Constitutional Law Professor President Obama. The Magazine is constantly riddled with the immature rants of its Editor-at-large Kalle Lasn. Including a never ending stream of Edgar Caycian style calls to 'Revolution' since the turn of the century. His calls for the 'f*ck-it-all generation' to 'kick corporate ass', and 'throw out the old goats' referring to economics professors, and the ridiculous sounding call for 'carnivalesque rebellion' clearly show the ineptitude of his Editorship at Adbusters Magazine. Kalle's relentless annual preaching and pitching of out-dated street revolts, and the occasional taking of the credit for other peoples public actions, such as Occupy Wall Street, only serves to further detail his out-of-touch approach to social justice issues and political struggles faced by the world's people. Especially here in the U.S. In the spirit of the feminist occupation of the Grove Press offices in 1970. We hereby propose a non-violent, non-disruptive, occupation of the Adbusters Magazine office until a new Editor in Chief can be hired and full ownership of the Adbusters Media Foundation and all its campaigns and enterprises can be bought out and its staff unionized and democratized with full control over content and media outreach decisions. Adbusters Magazine needs to get back to business of positive social discourse, and move forward with an activist agenda of true progressive environmental, technological, social and economic movements and reformation. One that is viable and relevant for the coming decades. |